AQA A Level Business - 3.7 Analysing the strategic position of a business
This set of resources includes 18x PPTs which can be delivered over 28 lessons and lots of word files consisting of exam practice and activities.
3.7.1 Mission, corporate objectives and strategy - double lesson
3.7.2 Analysing the existing internal position of a business to assess strengths and weaknesses: financial ratio analysis - 4 lessons
3.7.3 Analysing the existing internal position of a business to assess strengths and weaknesses: overall performance - 3 lessons
3.7.4 Analysing the external environment to assess opportunities and threats: political and legal change - double lesson
3.7.5 Analysing the external environment to assess opportunities and threats: economic change - 9 lessons
3.7.6 Analysing the external environment to assess opportunities and threats: social and technological - 3 lessons
3.7.7 Analysing the external environment to assess opportunities and threats: the competitive environment - double lesson
3.7.8 Analysing strategic options: investment appraisal - double lesson
Filled with a variety of activities, real life examples, debates, true or false quizzes, case studies, exam questions, model answers, marking grids so students can self/peer assess to identify WWW and EBI with their responses before making improvements. Kahoot quizzes and box plenaries to consolidate learning in an engaging way.
All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder.
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